Hair masks for summertimes. Home recipes

In summer your hair is more prone to damage than during the other times of the year. The same as the skin, it is burned by the sun, becomes unruly and its tips are cut off. There is more dust but less headgear

You have to take care of your hair more carefully and also apply nutritious and protective masks in order to keep it healthy when the summertime comes.

Summer hair masks. Home recipes-24beautytutorial
Hair masks. Home recipes

Indian health and longevity science called Ayurveda recommends to put on the skin and hair vegetable oils: sesame, olive, mustard or other, depending on the purpose of use, before washing it.

Summer hair masks. Home recipes-24beautytutorial
Hair masks. Home recipes

The  oils listed above do not only nourish but also absorb toxic substances and purify the body. This does not happen quickly. You need to hold the oil for 15-20 minutes to make the process work.

Natural Hair Masks

Even our grandmothers used burdock oil in caring for hair. The mask based on burdock oil is perfect for dry hair. In order to prepare this mask, mix a tablespoon of burdock oil and one yolk, blend it thoroughly and apply to the hair. In 20 minutes you can wash the mask off the hair.

Summer hair masks. Home recipes-24beautytutorial
Hair masks. Home recipes

The masks for oily hair can be made from yogurt or homemade clabber. There is no specific dosage. It is necessary to apply yogurt or clabber beginning from the roots to the tips. The procedure is carried out in a shower cap with wrapping towels. Keep it for at least 20 minutes.

Summer hair masks. Home recipes-24beautytutorial
Hair masks. Home recipes

The best effect is achieved in about 40 minutes. After using this mask you do not have to use any hair conditioners. This procedure is a cleansing and nourishing tool for your hair.

The roots become strengthened and the hair becomes elastic and shiny. If it is not necessary to use a hair shampoo, after these procedures you can wash your head with warm water and a solute of apple cider vinegar – 1 tablespoon of solute with 1 liter of water.

Universal nettle

You can rinse your hair with the broths of nettles, chamomile and bur-marigold. It can be used instead of the masks for strengthening the hair. Rinsing with nettle decoction enhances hair growth even without using masks. In order to prepare the broth you need to take 4 tablespoons of crushed dry grass and brew 1 liter of boiling water, keep it in a water bath for about 20 minutes. The infusion you get must be cooled and strained through the gauze.

Summer hair masks. Home recipes-24beautytutorial
Hair masks. Home recipes

Some use a conventional boiling for making it more simple, but the useful properties are lost.

The nettle broth can be applied to the hair as a mask 20 minutes before washing the head. This will enhance the healing effect.

Summer hair masks. Home
Hair masks. Home recipes

Important! The best hair masks listed here and any others, too, will give the necessary effect for long time if you dry your hair with a hairdryer and heat with forceps regularly.

Let your hair dry naturally. In summer, it is also necessary to protect hair from sunlight, wearing headgear and using special tools with UV filters.

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